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WE’VE WITNESSED #365DaysTooMany.









The international community has watched over a year of continual crises unfold in Gaza beginning on October 7, 2023. We encourage you to come back to read the stories and witness the resiliency and strength of the children, families, volunteers and local doctors on the ground fighting to survive the nonstop suffering in Gaza.

MedGlobal staff members in Gaza unwrap a shipment of medical supplies to ready them for distribution.
MedGlobal medical staff in Gaza provide children with the polio vaccine during an emergency polio vaccination campaign in September 2024.
A MedGlobal medical staff member in Gaza places a mark on a child’s finger to note that they have received the polio vaccine during an emergency polio vaccination campaign in September 2024.
MedGlobal medical staff discuss a patient in a makeshift patient room filled with other supplies in Al-Asqa Hospital, one of the few operational hospitals in Gaza.
Patients rest on beds crammed tightly together in a hallway in Al-Asqa Hospital, one of the few operational hospitals in Gaza.
A member of MedGlobal’s medical staff looks into a mirror in Gaza.
MedGlobal’s medical staff members take part in a discussion in one of the few remaining hospitals in Gaza.
Children in Gaza gather inside a makeshift shelter with MedGlobal staff members.
MedGlobal team member holds up a beneficiary to help the young boy paint a mural on the wall.
Children and guardians sit in a makeshift shelter in Gaza.
Children and guardians sit in a makeshift shelter in Gaza.
MedGlobal medical staff speak with a citizen of Gaza inside a temporary shelter.
A small child awaits examination and treatment inside a makeshift medical space in Gaza.
Children smile for the camera inside a shelter in Gaza.
MedGlobal staff walk down a hallway in one of the few remaining hospitals in Gaza.
A MedGlobal medical staff member consults with a patient sitting on the floor, because there are no remaining beds in the hospital.
A doctor wearing a headlamp scrubs in for a procedure during a power outage.
A MedGlobal medical staff member provides the polio vaccine to a child during a polio vaccination campaign in Gaza.
With no beds available, a MedGlobal medical staff member examines a child on the floor of one of the last remaining hospitals in Gaza.
A child receives medical treatment through an IV while lying on the floor of one of the few remaining hospitals in Gaza.
Three MedGlobal medical staff members stand in a nutritional center in Gaza.
Four children eat a snack outside of a temporary shelter in Gaza.
A young child sits with their guardian as they wait to be examined by the MedGlobal medical staff in the nutritional center in Gaza.
MedGlobal medical staff members examine a baby while her guardian holds her at a medical center in Gaza.
A MedGlobal staff member unloads boxes of emergency supplies for distribution to Gaza citizens in need.
Two children stand outside on a street in Gaza.
MedGlobal medical staff members check a patient’s vital signs at one of the few remaining hospitals in Gaza.
MedGlobal staff members stand near multiple children and their guardians inside a temporary shelter in Gaza.
Children consume a snack outside of a temporary shelter in Gaza.
An elderly woman sits on a makeshift wooden bed in a hospital in Gaza.
A child is carried by her Guardian in a shelter in Gaza.
A member of the MedGlobal’s medical staff speaks with a citizen of Gaza at a medical center while other adults and children stand nearby.
A child sits on a chair next to their guardian at a medical center in Gaza.
MedGlobal staff members stand near a shipment of medical supplies.
A member of the MedGlobal medical staff speaks to a guardian about her child at a nutritional center in Gaza.
Members of the MedGlobal medical staff convene at a nutritional center in Gaza.

Is #365DaysTooMany in Gaza? When Is Enough?

We’ve witnessed 365 days of suffering in Gaza. Which begs the question, is #365DaysTooMany?

— Name of Person, Student in Gaza

MedGlobal staff members in Gaza unwrap a shipment of medical supplies to ready them for distribution.